January Update
Welcome to 2024
I hope your holidays were stress-free and that January is shaping up to be a solidly good month so far. I’ve heard from speaking to others that there’s been both a surge to accomplish goals and overcome unhealthy habits, then on the opposite end, a desire to rest and let go of “new year resolutions” (of course, resting can be an accomplishment in itself). Wherever you find yourself on the spectrum, just know you’re not alone and to trust your inner guidance above comparing or keeping up with peers, friends, etc. Remember, the universe has a way of presenting situations and opportunities to us for our highest good at the right time. For me, the phrase “gentle accomplishing” has come through as a reminder to keep moving at a healthy pace that is particularly perfect for me. Just as there is a particular pace of growth that is perfectly right for you. That said, if you don’t feel motivated lately, remember we are in the thick of Winter still and if we’re part of nature, it may be that Springtime will bring any inspiration you feel may be lacking, and that is perfectly okay.
On my end, there have been some new, interesting developments. The biggest news is that I’ve begun hosting IN-PERSON PAST LIFE GROUPS again, after the past 3 years of everything being done remotely due to Covid.
And it’s been fantastic being back!
So if you’re in the area (FL & GA for now) and want to attend, or book a private group, visit the WORKSHOPS tab on my website, for locations, dates, and other details.
Next Group:
I am also opening up in-person 1:1 regressions and quantum healing visualization journeys. Remote sessions will continue being available as well, as those have resulted in some epic and fascinating sessions these past few years.
If you haven’t yet, feel free to join me on TikTok for more thorough content on Higher Self insight and information. My guided meditations on YOUTUBE are still available, free, and expanding.
Readings are also still available to order through the main website or Etsy.
If you have any questions or anything, feel free to message me and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. I'm looking forward to everything and hope everyone who reads this stays cozy, warm, and safe.
Sending love and big hugs to everyone! XOXO ~Laura