Free Sample of Past Life Transcript from Recent Session
Adventures of a Past Life Regressionist Case #2221 By Laura Bogen, C.Ht., JD, ORDM Text copyright © 2018 Laura Bogen All Rights Reserved FULL VERSION AVAILABLE AT ETSY.COM/SHOP/LAURABOGEN ($1.00)
Table of Contents
A Proper Introduction Life #1: Female Client as Boy Living in 1800’s Montana Village with Natives Life #2: Female Client as Wealthy Daughter of 20th Century London Architect Energy Source A Final Word
A Proper Introduction
Hello curious minds, I invite you to join me as we time-travel through many modes of existence, to places of ancient knowledge and regions long-forgotten (or in some cases, yet to be), where my clients are brought to the most appropriate times and places to discover their past lives and how it affects them today. During a session, a client is shown their past lives, but also is given access to communication with what people may call the Over Soul, the Higher Self, or the Energy Source. It’s within each and every one of us.
Here, all of the clients’ questions are answered and even physical ailments are addressed. In this publication, I decided to include the past lives of the clients in full. As for communication with their Energy Source, I decided it would be best practice at this time to only include the physical restorations performed and the parting message due to sensitive material intended only for that specific client. To keep the integrity of the session, I wrote this in transcription form. The only changes made were the condensing of the material and removing repeated questions, words, or sounds (though certain pauses and inflections are kept). Keep in mind, every session is different and there is no set formula for how, when, or why certain questions are asked. Practitioners are taught to go with the flow of the session, and I would promote that advice to you, as a reader. This material is not meant to shake up any belief systems or bother anyone, but is published merely for entertainment purposes and whatever other positive effects that may come from it. Happy Reading, Laura
LIFE #1 Female Client as Boy Living in 1800’s Montana Village with Natives
Practitioner (P): What do you see around you? Client (C): I see fall leaves. Orange Leaves. (P): Are they on the ground or in- (C): Yea. (P): Alright, and on the ground are you looking at grass or a road? What are you looking at? (C): I just see the fall leaves, covering the ground, it’s all I see. (P): If you look down at your feet, what you do you see? (C): I’m barefoot. (P): What do you feel on your body? Are you wearing anything? (C): Yea, I have black pants on. (P): Do you feel male or female? (C): I’m…not sure. (P): Do you feel young or old? (C): I feel like I might be, like, a young boy. Not too young, like 12, 13, 14… (P): And feel your head, what do you feel up there? (C): Hair. Not too short but short like a boy’s hair. (P): Are you wearing anything else? (C): A plain shirt – red. (P): Are you carrying anything? (C): No. (P): Alright. So, how do you feel right now where you are? (C): Happy. (P): Good. And if you look around you, what can you see? (C): I’m up on a hill. I see a few trees, but it’s pretty open. Here, I guide her to the place where she lives… (P): What does it look like? Describe it. (C): It’s like wooden cabins, kind of like a village. (P): Oh, you see others? (C): Yea, I see others, they’re kind of like…cabins. (P): Okay, so looking at your cabin, what kind is it? (C): It’s wood. Dark wood. (P): Can you see any windows? (C): There’s a door in the front and windows on the side. (P): Are you in the front yard? (C): Yea. It kinda looks like a campsite. The cabins grouped together. There’s like a firepit kinda thing. It’s like in the middle. (P): So go ahead and go inside and tell me what you see. (C): I see bunkbeds? (P): How many? (C): There’s two, there one on each side of the room. (P): Do you see any other furniture? (C): I just one rocking chair. (P): Do you see anything on the ground or floor? (C): Like a bucket in the corner and then some clothes or something on the other side. (P): Good. Now, is there a kitchen here or a place where you eat? (C): I see a fireplace with, like, a pot kind of hanging. (P): What color pot? (C): It’s black, like medium sized. (P): See yourself eating a meal here. What are you eating? (C): Beans. (P): Can you taste them? (C): Yes, I like them. (P): What temperature are they? (C): Warm…kind of hot. (P): What are you eating them from? (C): A bowl, I don’t know if it’s wooden or…it’s brown, it’s dark. (P): Are you using a utensil? (C): Some kind of spoon. (P): If anyone else lives there with you, they’ll come join you and eat with you. Does anyone come to join you? (C): Yea. I feel like it’s an older boy and a younger boy. (P): What does the older boy look like? (C): Maybe dark hair, black I think. Taller. Not much older than me. (P): How do you feel about him? (C): I think he’s my brother. (P): Are they both your brothers? (C): Yea. (P): Ask the older one what his name is. (C): John. (P): And the younger one? (C): Sam. (P): What do they call you? (C): It starts with an E. E-something, like Evan, but not Evan. Elvin, but that can’t be right… (P): Are you the middle child? (C): Yes. (P): Is there a parent or adult that lives with you? (C): I don’t think so. (P): Ask John what year is it? What does he tell you? (C): 1862. (P): Ask him where are you living? (C): He says Montana. (P): And what is this town called where you are living? (C): He said Lake something. I don’t…I don’t know if he knows. (P): Wonderful. Ask him what you’re doing there. (C): We just live here. (P): Perfect. So what do you do with the majority of your day. See yourself doing it now. What do you do? How do you spend your time? (C): I’m carrying a bucket of water. (P): Where are you carrying it? (C): I feel like I’m walking through the village with the bucket of water, I think I’m taking it back to our cabin. (P): Is it heavy? (C): Not too heavy, it’s kind of heavy. (P): How are you carrying it? (C): I’m carrying it over my shoulder. (P): And when you walk through the village, what do you see there? (C): It’s mostly cabins and other people walking around. Lots of little kids. (P): Okay. Is there anyone near you that you’re passing? (C): Yea, the little kids. (P): What are they doing? (C): I feel like everyone is just taking care of, like, doing what they normally do. Gathering stuff and…maybe stuff for the fire. Other people carrying buckets and sticks. (P): What is it like outside? (C): It’s a little cool, like Fall. (P): Do you see any adults anywhere? (C): Yea, there’s a few, but mostly kids. (P): Where is the closest adult to you? (C): Not far, the next cabin. A man. With a hat on. He’s carrying a long stick. Everyone’s kind of doing their own jobs, taking care of the…like a campsite, really. (P): Have you always lived here? (C): I think so. (P): Do you remember your parents? (C): I don’t. (P): Alright. Where are going now? Are you nearing the cabin? (C): Yea. (P): What do you do? (C): I’m taking the water in the cabin to boil. (P): And where are your brothers? (C): They’re by the fire in the cabin. (P): Do you feel like you take care of them? (C): Yea, I feel like me and John take care of Sam. (P): How young is Sam? (C): Maybe four. (P): Okay. Do you know what happened to your parents – why they’re not here? (C): I feel like they died when I was really young. (P): How did they die? (C): They were shot. (P): Shot by who? (C): I think it was an accident, maybe. Hunting. (P): Do you hunt? (C): I don’t think so. (P): How do you get your food? (C): Everybody has their job in this little village that we have. I don’t think we- I mean we all have our own jobs, so other people hunt. (P): Do you ever feel like leaving this place or are you happy here? (C): I think I’m happy here. Here, I gently guide the client to leave the scene we are looking at and to move forward to an important day in that lifetime… (P): What is happening? What do you see? (C): Everybody’s running around outside. (P): Are there sounds? (C): Yea, they’re running around trying to get their stuff…somebody’s coming and we have to leave. (P): Who’s coming? (C): It’s like a group of- like a group that wants us to leave, a bunch of people. (P): How much time do you have? (C): Not much, like, we have to get out? (P): Are you grabbing anything or packing? (C): I’m just watching everybody scramble. (P): Where are your brothers? (C): They’re here with me. We’re just watching everybody scrambling to get their stuff. (P): How do you feel? (C): Scared. (P): Is it daytime or nighttime? (C): It’s daytime…a little cool…it’s like, evening. (P): Okay, and are people leaving? (C): Yea. (P): What direction are they going in? (C): The people are coming into the woods from one direction, so we’re getting our stuff and leaving in the other direction out of the woods. We’re leaving and going to the hilltop. (P): Are they walking or running? (C): We’re confused, we’re starting to run. (P): Is there anyone who can tell you what’s going on? (C): They’re just yelling, “They’re coming, c’mon!” (P): Ask, “Who?” (C): A kind of clan? “Clan” is what they said. (P): Okay, and has this clan come before? (C): I think the adults know, I don’t think the kids know…I don’t think we’ve ever seen them before, the adults have though. They’re trying to get all the- there’s more kids than adults that I see. They’re trying to get everyone to go up to the top of the hill. (P): Are you there at the hill? (C): Yea. (P): Now what happens? (C): We’re just standing there. Nobody knows what to do. (P): Are the adults there too? (C): Yea, they’re just making sure all the kids get up. (P): Is anyone hiding? (C): There’s nowhere to hide, it’s so open. The kids are hiding behind their parents, or the adults. (P): Okay, and what are the adults wearing? (C): It’s mostly like, just very plain clothes. (P): Go ahead and walk up to an adult and ask what you’re doing there. (C): He said we had to get out of there, the clan was coming. (P): Are you every going back? (C): When it’s safe. (P): Ask him if this has this ever happened before? (C): I think it happened in another location. (P): Ask him if these are natives that you are running from? (C): Yes. (P): Do they have a name you call them? (C): (Long pause) He said “Redbird”. (P): Perfect, alright. Do you see your brothers? (C): Yea, they’re in with the others on the hill. Here, I gently guide the client to leave the scene we are looking at and to move forward to an important day in that lifetime… (P): What do you see? What’s happening? (C): I feel like we’re back and the Indians were still there, but maybe they’re not bad? Maybe…they live there also now… (P): Do you see them? (C): Yea. (P): What does one look like? Focus on one. (C): Like a feathered headdress with feathers in it. (P): What colors? (C): I see yellow, and blue, and red. (P): What else is he wearing? (C): No shirt. (P): And what is he doing? (C): I feel like he’s helping with the children. (P): Do you feel safe with him? (C): Yes (adamantly). (P): Can you walk up to him and greet him. (C): Yea. (P): Go ahead and ask him how long he has been there with you? (C): They settled in with us a little while ago. They came to help us. (P): Ask what his people believe in. (C): Peace. (P): Ask if his people worship any deities or gods or beings… (C): The Earth. (P): Good. And what does he call his people? (C): He’s saying Redbird again. (P): What does he call this area? (C): He says it’s our land. (P): Wonderful, and ask what he is teaching you… (C): He’s teaching us to… to appreciate something with the wind and the air. Like, I feel that they worship the air too, the wind. That’s what he’s teaching us…how to talk to…the air? (P): How do you talk to the air? (C): It’s like being caring and loving, and appreciating it. Appreciating the earth. I think it means being more spiritual. (P): Do you like what you’re being taught? (C): Yea, especially the kids. (P): Do you feel like the teachings bring more peace to everybody? (C): Yes. Happiness. (P): Are you happier than before? (C): Yea, more excited, like, child-like. I think I felt more like an adult before and now I get to be a kid. (P): And are there others of his people with you that you can see? (C): Yea, there’s a few, like..there’s a few. (P): Are there any children? (C): Not that they brought, just the children that were already there. (P): So have your days become different since they moved in? (C): Yea, I feel like we don’t work as much, we run and appreciate…being free. (P): And do you feel more connected to the Earth? (C): Yes. (P): How does that feel? (C): It feels great. It feels like…for some reason, the wind, I’m more connected to the wind. (P): How do you feel connected to the wind? (C): It’s like a free spirit, like…like, I guess, the feeling of being free, like a kid. I feel before we were just taking care of everything, not being free. (P): Wonderful. Do they plan on staying for awhile? (C): Yea, I think they’re going to live here now. (P): Do they live in the cabins with you? (C): They have their own… (P): Have you seen where they live? (C): No. (P): Can he show you? (C): They have tents, they brought tents, built tents. (P): What color? (C): Brown. (P): Small or large? (C): Pretty small, like a teepee. (P): How many are there? (C): I think there’s just two or three. (P): Okay. And is that man the chief? (C): I think so. He likes to teach the children. (P): Are the rest of his people nearby? (C): They’re off with other groups of children, I just see two other women. (P): Are they his family? (C): I think so. (P): What does he call himself…his name? (C): Hawk. I think his name is BlueHawk. I think we call him Hawk. (P): What does he call you? (C): I think he calls me El…short for Elvin. I think my name is Elvin. (P): Alright. Thank him for his time. Here, I gently guide the client to leave the scene we are looking at and to move forward to another important day in that lifetime… (P): What is happening? What do you see? (C): I think one of the older people in our group died. (P): Okay, and what are you looking at? (C): Everybody’s gathering around him, he was an old man. (P): Are you inside or outside? (C): Outside. (P): Is he where you can see him? (C): Yea, we’re just saying goodbye. (P): Do you feel sad? (C): Yea. He was part of our group. I don’t think we were close but I think he was the oldest man there. (P): How old do you feel? (C): I little older but I think I’m still a teenager, but an older teenager. (P): Do you see your brothers anywhere? (C): Yea, they’re standing next to me. There’s a fire and they have the old man on…it’s like a stretcher but it’s handmade. I think it’s kinda- maybe it’s a funeral, but it seems more like a celebration. Like, they’re just honoring him. (P): Are the natives still there? (C): Yea. (P): Is that fire under him? (C): No, he’s beside it. And there’s two people carrying him on this stretcher, it has handles. It just seems like they’re celebrating. (P): Are they taking him anywhere? (C): Yea. Yea, they’re taking him somewhere, to that hill. (P): That hill from before? (C): Yea. (P): Is that hill a sacred place? (C): Maybe…it’s, I think it’s maybe the highest level in that area. It’s almost like a cliff. (P): And they’re taking him there? (C): Yes, everyone’s following. (P): Can you hearing anything? (C): Yea, I think…drums…like, bongo drums or something… (P): So what happens? (C): They’re carrying him, the other people are following. They seem awfully happy for a funeral, but they’re celebrating his life. He was very old, maybe like 90’s, 100 years old. He looks very old. (P): And what’s it like outside? (C): It’s almost nighttime. It’s getting dark. (P): Is there anything lighting the way? (C): Yea, it’s like torches. (P): So as the night goes on, what happens? (C): Everybody is going to the top of the hill and they put him on the ground, and everyone’s around him, celebrating. (P): Are they eating or drinking anything? (C): No, I feel they’re more saying prayers…more like singing, but it’s not words, it’s… more like sounds. (P): Are they in harmony? (C): Yea, it’s almost like, um, like you would hear tribal people banging on the drums and making noises around a fire, it sounds like that. (P): IS the person who passed one of your people or a native? (C): I think he’s ours. (P): And he’s getting a native burial? (C): I think so. (P): How do you feel being there? (C): I feel like part of something special. (P): Are you singing along? (C): I am just watching. (P): Are your brothers celebrating as well? (C): They’re just, they’re there with me. It’s kind of exciting. I don’t feel like we’re really sad. (P): That’s okay. Alright. So just continue celebrating and watching and feeling excited… Here, I gently guide the client to leave the scene we are looking at and to move forward to the last day of her life in that lifetime. (P): What is happening? What do you see? (C): I’m sick. I’m older. I’m old. (P): Do you feel like an adult? (C): Yea, I’m an old man. (P): Oh alright. And how do you feel sick? (C): I think a fever, like sweating. (P): Where are you? (C): Laying in a bed inside. (P): Is there anyone around you? (C): I feel like I’m alone right now. (P): Does it feel like daytime or nighttime? (C): Nighttime. (P): Do you feel like you’re in your home? (C): I think I’m in the same village. I don’t know if I’m in the same cabin. It’s not a bunkbed, it’s just a bed. (P): Do you know where your family is? (C): I don’t know I feel kind of lonely. (P): That’s alright. Do you feel anything happening with your body? (C): I’m actually looking at myself, I’m not really in the body, but I can tell that I’m sick. I think I’m dying. (P): (Taking away any physical sensations) Have you passed yet? (C): Yea.
Once the client passes in that lifetime, they can look back at that lifetime from a different perspective to see the lesson(s) and purpose of that life.
Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed journeying into the past for a bit! Full version, including lessons, second life, and messages/healings from Higher Self is available at