All Up In April
Hello hello! So I imagine, if you're doing the quarantine thing, maybe you would be interested in attending an online event this Sunday, April 12th 3-5:30pm. I'll be hosting an online past life regression workshop using ZOOM. It will be by donation only, and each person who donates will be entered into a raffle for a 15-minute consultation with me to go over their experience personally at a later date. To stay notified, go to the FB event page link below here and click on Going or Interested. I hope to see you there.
Click here to go to the event page on Facebook: EVENT PAGE
Or scan here (let's see if this works!):

Next, below I've put up a few videos you may want to check out from an incredible session I had recently. I'm getting a lot more Starseed - ET - UFO "experiencers" and "experiences" coming across my radar. The transcript to the main regression session talked about in the videos is up in ETSY for those who like to read :)
Have a beautiful week and a happy Easter if I don't see you Sunday! XOXO